Our commitment and professionalism for

your comfort and safety of transactions

  • Attorney at law entered on the list of the District Bar Council in Cracow - – http://adwokatura.krakow.pl/lista-adwokatow.
  • 5 years of experience in one of the best law firms in Poland "Kubas, Kos, Gaertner - Lawyers" - sp. Partnership in Krakow.
  • 6 years of experience as a director of the legal department for Central Europe in one of the largest international companies in
        the construction industry, responsible for legal departments in 5 countries.
  • Certyfication of College of American Law, "The Catholic University of America, Columbus School of Law."
  • Doctoral Studies, Jagiellonian University, Department of International Relations and Political Rights, Department of American.

As the lawyer, I specialize mainly in the civil and commercial law. I have many years of experience in the field of commercial law gained in the wide international corporate environment. 9 years of experience gained in the international construction company, as well as for 12 years of providing comprehensive support for different legal entities guarantees a high standard of my services.

Extensive experience gained in the international environment and scale of issues that have been entrusted to me, provides you with the confidence and security of transactions. I represent clients in litigation at all levels instance, I create and analyze contracts / legal opinions, participate in negotiations. For 10 years I run a comprehensive range of legal services for commercial companies. Many years of work as a director of the legal department for Central Europe enables to implement the best legal solutions and improve existing processes also in your legal entities. I hope that the above experience and developed best practices will also be an added value for your company.

In addition, my passion is focused on family legal matters. I deal with this kind of cases from the beginning of my career and I do so with all the commitment and dedication. Family matters for me, are not only "legal matters" for a lawyer, but most of all they are „human being problems”that reqiore my effort to understand the whole aspect of the problem, support in a difficult situation aiming to find the best solution.

  • Attorney at law entered on the list of the District Bar Council in Cracow – http://adwokatura.krakow.pl/lista-adwokatow.
  • 6 years of experience in one of the best law firms in Poland "Kubas, Kos, Gaertner - Lawyers" - sp. Partnership in Krakow.
  • 5 years of experience as a lawyer providing ongoing service to commercial companies, incluiding international entities, with a
        cooperation with Legal departments in other countries,
  • Post graduate studies on Economic Academy in Krakow in field of accountancy and finance.

I have many years of experience with active legal service for commercial companies, including commercial law, especially funcioning in the finance and banking, construction and call centers, with an international range. During my practice I gained wide experience, by conducting many court trials and helping entities in the ongoing functioning, including the service of the employment issues.

Regardless to this experience, I also represent in the front of the court and out of court, natural persons, in the scope described on the page (scope of the legal assistance), having a long years of experience and my commitment to each case entrusted to me, guarantees my clients satisfaction and the prospected results as well as the full transparency of the course of actions during the case.